Community of Fairbanks
Community Profile
Community Type: Home Rule City
Current Population: 32,655
Borough Name: Fairbanks North Star Borough
Regional Native Corporation: Doyon, Limited
REAA/School District: Fairbanks North Star Schools
Latitude: 64� 50' N
Longitude: 147� 43' W
See Map of the region
Land Area: 31 sq. mi.
Water Area: . mi.
Fairbanks is located in the heart of Alaska's Interior, at the northern end of the famed
Alaska Highway. By air, Fairbanks is 45 minutes from Anchorage and 3 hours from
Koyukon Athabascans have lived in this area for thousands of years. The Chena steamboat
landing brought many non-Natives to Fairbanks during the Pedro Dome gold rush of
1902, and it became the supply center for the region. The city was named after Charles
Warren Fairbanks, Vice-President under Theodore Roosevelt. The population of the area
continued to increase after construction of the Alcan Highway and the Alaska oil pipeline.
Fairbanks is the second largest city in Alaska. The community is primarily non-Native,
though diverse.
As a regional center for Interior Alaska, Fairbanks offers a diverse economy, including
city, borough, state and federal government services, transportation, communication,
manufacturing, financial and regional medical services. Tourism and mining are also part
of the economy. Approximately 325,000 visitors pass through Fairbanks each summer.
The success of Fort Knox, operated by Fairbanks Gold Mining, has sparked aggressive
exploration by a number of mining companies. 166 residents hold commercial fishing
Fairbanks is at the confluence of the Richardson Hwy., George Parks Hwy., Steese
Hwy., and Elliott Hwy., connecting the Interior to Anchorage, Canada and the lower 48
states. Goods are transported by truck and air services. The Alaska Railroad also serves
Fairbanks. Regularly-scheduled jet flights are available at the State-owned Fairbanks
International Airport. A seaplane base is located on the Chena River. There are also several
privately-owned airstrips and heliports in the vicinity.
Interior Alaska experiences seasonal temperature extremes. January temperatures range
from -22 to -2;
Looking out my window at noon in January
July temperatures range from 50 to 72. Average annual precipitation is 11.3
inches. Ice fog is common during the winter. Polar bears seem to love it

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