Franky and Twiggs

My name is Franky. I am an 11 week old Blue Point
Siamese. I love eating cheese, looking out the window, and diving from
my 4 story condo onto the bed of my owners in the middle of the night.
I dislike loud noises, being alone, and not being fed. I live with two
older cats;Twiggs, who is a year old, and Cleo, who is 14 years old. Twiggs
looks out for me. She's my big sister.Cleo could care less about me. Actually
she does, she just doesn't want to admit it. When I get thirsty, my owners
have a hugh tub of water(fish tank ) for me to drink out of. They
really must like me because they put it up on a pedestal right in the middle
of the room. One thing about it though that I can't figure out. Why do
they keep on adding small things that swim IN MY WATER DISH! Sometimes
I wonder about my owners. All in all though, I think I like it here.
[email protected]